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OpenInfra Days NA at Indiana University

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Tuesday, October 15

10:30am EDT

Finding a forward direction on OpenInfra project security
Tuesday October 15, 2024 10:30am - 11:15am EDT
The OpenInfra Board has expressed a desire to improve the security postures of projects and ensure we never have a repeat of the Murano project incident. In this forum session, we will have an opportunity to discuss potential guidance, concerns, and see if a future direction can be charted.
avatar for Julia Kreger

Julia Kreger

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Julia has been working in technology for a long time. She is presently a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. She also chairs the OpenInfra Foundation Board of Directors. She has even served as the Ironic project leader for seven development cycles.Talk to her about:Clouds... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 10:30am - 11:15am EDT
305: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

11:20am EDT

Bridging the gap between community and contributing organizations
Tuesday October 15, 2024 11:20am - 12:05pm EDT
Based on responses the OpenInfra Foundation business development team receives from member organizations attempting to contribute to OpenInfra projects, community managers are running a series of discussions intended to gather feedback and ideas, to improve communication, processes and contributor experience for both new and established contributors.

This forum-style session aims to:

1. discover ways we can better communicate successful contributor habits and patterns to prospective contributors who struggle to engage

2. brainstorm ways in which the established community members could adjust their approach to ease interactions for newcomers

3. improve the approachability of our communities for new contributors in order to increase diversity over time

Everyone is encouraged to attend, whether you're a long-time contributor looking to help the community grow, or a newcomer struggling to find ways to get your improvements added.
avatar for Jeremy Stanley

Jeremy Stanley

OpenInfra Foundation
OpenInfra Foundation Staff, OpenDev Root Sysadmins, SPI Board of Directors, Zuul Maintainers, OpenStack Vulnerability Management Team, OpenStack Security SIG Chair, OpenStack Testing and Collaboration Tools SIG Chair, OpenStack Technical Committee Emeritus, former OpenStack Infrastructure... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 11:20am - 12:05pm EDT
305: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center
Wednesday, October 16

10:30am EDT

Diversity and Inclusion Working Group interactivity
Wednesday October 16, 2024 10:30am - 10:50am EDT
Join the members of the OpenInfra Foundations Diversity and Inclusion WG to learn about their efforts within the OpenInfra Projects and how you can get involved. We will also look for feedback on how to get more responses on the Foundation's Diversity Survey and other ways you can help grow the group and their efforts.
avatar for Jeremy Stanley

Jeremy Stanley

OpenInfra Foundation
OpenInfra Foundation Staff, OpenDev Root Sysadmins, SPI Board of Directors, Zuul Maintainers, OpenStack Vulnerability Management Team, OpenStack Security SIG Chair, OpenStack Testing and Collaboration Tools SIG Chair, OpenStack Technical Committee Emeritus, former OpenStack Infrastructure... Read More →
avatar for Amy Marrich

Amy Marrich

Open Source Evangelist, Red Hat
Amy Marrich is an Open Source Evangelist at Red Hat. She currently serves as the Chair of the CentOS Project and on the Open Infrastructure Foundation Board of Directors and the CHAOSS Projects Governing Board. In addition she serves on the OpenStack Technical Committee, as chair... Read More →
Wednesday October 16, 2024 10:30am - 10:50am EDT
307: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

10:55am EDT

Ironic Project Status/Direction
Wednesday October 16, 2024 10:55am - 11:15am EDT
An update on the Ironic project status, direction, and then opportunity for participants to ask questions, and provide feedback to the project.
avatar for Julia Kreger

Julia Kreger

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Julia has been working in technology for a long time. She is presently a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. She also chairs the OpenInfra Foundation Board of Directors. She has even served as the Ironic project leader for seven development cycles.Talk to her about:Clouds... Read More →
Wednesday October 16, 2024 10:55am - 11:15am EDT
307: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

11:20am EDT

OpenInfra leadership
Wednesday October 16, 2024 11:20am - 12:05pm EDT
Wednesday October 16, 2024 11:20am - 12:05pm EDT
307: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

1:30pm EDT

Scientific SiG
Wednesday October 16, 2024 1:30pm - 2:15pm EDT
avatar for Stig Telfer

Stig Telfer

CTO, StackHPC Ltd
Stig has a background in R&D working for various prominent technology companies, particularly in HPC and software-defined networking. Stig is now CTO for StackHPC, a consultancy specialising in the convergence of cloud, HPC and big data. Stig is also co-chair of the OpenStack Scientific... Read More →
Wednesday October 16, 2024 1:30pm - 2:15pm EDT
307: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

2:15pm EDT

Kolla User Forum
Wednesday October 16, 2024 2:15pm - 2:40pm EDT
A Forum session dedicated to OpenStack Kolla/Kolla-Ansible/Kayobe to discuss new features, feature requests
avatar for Michal Nasiadka

Michal Nasiadka

Senior Technical Lead, StackHPC
Michal Nasiadka is a Senior Technical Lead at StackHPC. He currently serves as Kolla PTL. In addition to that he contributes to multiple OpenStack projects including Magnum, Ironic and Neutron, as well as non-OpenStack ones (Rocky Linux, Ceph, etc).
Wednesday October 16, 2024 2:15pm - 2:40pm EDT
307: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center
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