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OpenInfra Days NA at Indiana University

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Tuesday, October 15

8:00am EDT

Breakfast and Exhibits
Tuesday October 15, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT
Exhibitors to include Platinum Sponsors: VEXXHOST and Rackspace; Gold Sponsor: Lightbits Labs; Reception Sponsors: IU Pervasive Technology Institute and Jetstream2
Tuesday October 15, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT
450B-C: 4th Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

8:00am EDT

Registration and Help Desk
Tuesday October 15, 2024 8:00am - 5:00pm EDT
avatar for Robert Ping

Robert Ping

Program Management Specialist, Indiana University
In 2024, he accepted program management responsibilities for Jetstream2 and the Midwest Research Computing and Data Consortium where he will facilitate the success of the National Science Foundation-sponsored programs.As RDA-US Program Manager, he oversees the multiple projects within... Read More →
avatar for UITS Research Technologies

UITS Research Technologies

A Pervasive Technology Institute Center and division of University Information Technology Services, Indiana University
The UITS Research Technologies team provides software, training, and systems in support of leading-edge research. We deliver high-performance computing resources, large-capacity data storage, and advanced visualization tools.Read Impact Highlights from UITS Research Technologies here... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 8:00am - 5:00pm EDT
450C Lobby: 4th Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

9:00am EDT

IU Keynote Welcome
Tuesday October 15, 2024 9:00am - 9:10am EDT
avatar for Beth Plale

Beth Plale

Professor, Indiana University
Data management, knowledge management, AI democratization, open science, RDA-US
avatar for Pervasive Technology Institute at Indiana University

Pervasive Technology Institute at Indiana University

About Pervasive Technology InstituteCyberinfrastructure is pervasive in the research, discovery, and creative processes. Information technology today pervades scholarly discovery in the humanities, research in all areas of the sciences, and the processes of artistic creation. The... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 9:00am - 9:10am EDT
002: Basement Theater (CE 002) - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

9:10am EDT

OpenInfra Keynote: WeAreOpenInfra: How Open Source Communities are Defining the next Generation of Infrastructure
Tuesday October 15, 2024 9:10am - 9:20am EDT
Open source communities are adapting, even thriving when facing today’s disruptive technology shifts. Why? Organization’s infrastructure needs are different due to global IT industry challenges from licensing changes, open hardware integration, and digital sovereignty to supporting AI workloads and increased security concerns. This is what open source communities are designed to do, and it’s not surprising that the demand for open source software exceeds $8.8 trillion USD. The OpenInfra community, composed of 110,000 individuals from hundreds of organizations and 187 different countries, is already evolving open source infrastructure technologies including OpenStack, Kata Containers, and StarlingX to manage these recent shifts. In this keynote, Jimmy McArthur will talk about how the OpenInfra community is applying our software formula for open development to drive worldwide innovation in the face of massive disruption. And how you can, too!
avatar for Jimmy McArthur

Jimmy McArthur

Director of Business Development, OpenInfra Foundation
Jimmy leads the collaboration with OpenInfra Members, including strategy development, goal alignment and new member recruitment. Outside of advocating for current open source trends and distributing his calendar link (which you can find here: https://calendly.com/jimmy-mcarthur... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 9:10am - 9:20am EDT
002: Basement Theater (CE 002) - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

9:20am EDT

One Giant Leap
Tuesday October 15, 2024 9:20am - 9:40am EDT
The first Beowulf cluster was built in 1994 at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Thirty years later, most HPC shops still follow the same basic cluster paradigm (including the one at Goddard today). The intervening decades have witnessed many evolutions in computing: virtualization/cloud, software-defined networking, kubernetes, AI/ML; GitOps and Agile -- just to name some big ones. The traditional cluster paradigm, with its static network zones and security controls, make it all but impossible to “bolt” these new technologies onto an existing operational system. A new approach is needed essentially from the ground up – one that will increase interoperability between the on-premises solution and commercial clouds by enabling the reuse of code used to deploy infrastructure and services. This translates into faster time to science/discoveries for our end users. This is a User Story about one HPC organization’s journey to rapidly modernize in one giant leap. We will discuss the “Next Generation System” being built at Goddard now, which is designed from the start to leverage modern cloud-native methods and best practices to flexibly deploy baremetal, VMs, or containers from a single pool of resources. We will touch on network design, OpenStack & Ironic, Security considerations like DevSecOps, and cultural barriers to adoption.

Jonathan Mills

NASA Goddard
Tuesday October 15, 2024 9:20am - 9:40am EDT
002: Basement Theater (CE 002) - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

9:40am EDT

Harnessing Open Source for Smooth Cloud Migration: The Integration of Atmosphere & MigrateKit - VEXXHOST Sponsor Keynote
Tuesday October 15, 2024 9:40am - 9:50am EDT
This presentation delves into the complexities of cloud migration and the transformative potential of leveraging open-source technologies through the integration of Atmosphere and MigrateKit.

Atmosphere is a robust, open-source cloud management framework built on OpenStack. It offers a feature-rich platform that rivals proprietary cloud solutions. MigrateKit complements this by serving as the bridge for organizations migrating from VMware or similar environments to OpenStack, ensuring a streamlined and automated transition.

The presentation will explore how this powerful combination simplifies the technical aspects of migration and aligns with the strategic business goals of scalability, agility, and cost-efficiency. Attendees will gain insights into the automated, repeatable deployment workflows enabled by MigrateKit and how they seamlessly integrate with Atmosphere's core capabilities.
avatar for Mohammed Naser

Mohammed Naser

Mohammed Naser, CEO of VEXXHOST, has had the chance to work with customers ranging from growing small businesses to solutions for large Fortune 500 companies, based on OpenStack. He has been a contributor to the OpenStack project since 2011 and has contributed code to almost every... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 9:40am - 9:50am EDT
002: Basement Theater (CE 002) - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

9:50am EDT

10:00am EDT

Break and Exhibits
Tuesday October 15, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am EDT
Exhibitors to include Platinum Sponsors: VEXXHOST and Rackspace; Gold Sponsor: Lightbits Labs; Reception Sponsors: IU Pervasive Technology Institute and Jetstream2
avatar for RDO Project

RDO Project

RDO is a community of people using and deploying OpenStack on CentOS Stream and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Tuesday October 15, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am EDT
450B-C: 4th Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

10:30am EDT

CI/CD for HPC on OpenStack
Tuesday October 15, 2024 10:30am - 10:50am EDT
We are building HPC operations at UAB around software development best-practices. To that end we are constructing a CI/CD infrastructure that supports development and testing of services in support of campus HPC operations. We instantiate HPC clusters on OpenStack cloud infrastructure to explore capabilities, develop features, and construct releases for the HPC cluster.

John-Paul Robinson

University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)
Tuesday October 15, 2024 10:30am - 10:50am EDT
309: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

10:30am EDT

Finding a forward direction on OpenInfra project security
Tuesday October 15, 2024 10:30am - 11:15am EDT
The OpenInfra Board has expressed a desire to improve the security postures of projects and ensure we never have a repeat of the Murano project incident. In this forum session, we will have an opportunity to discuss potential guidance, concerns, and see if a future direction can be charted.
avatar for Julia Kreger

Julia Kreger

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Julia has been working in technology for a long time. She is presently a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. She also chairs the OpenInfra Foundation Board of Directors. She has even served as the Ironic project leader for seven development cycles.Talk to her about:Clouds... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 10:30am - 11:15am EDT
305: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

10:30am EDT

Cluster API: Manage Kubernetes on OpenStack AND maintain your sanity!
Tuesday October 15, 2024 10:30am - 12:05pm EDT
Cluster API brings a unified, declarative, Kubernetes-style API to cluster creation, configuration, and management. It is infrastructure-agnostic, a great fit for automation. and can scale with your needs. In this hands-on session we will walk you through deploying Kubernetes clusters on OpenStack. You’ll learn enough to be dangerous, but you’ll also leave with a rough map to the land of pleasant productivity.
avatar for Julian Pistorius

Julian Pistorius

Research Software Engineer, Indiana University
Building & supporting data-focused applications for researchersExosphere.app - a simple & powerful GUI for OpenStackNSF projects worked on: CyVerse, Jetstream, Jetstream2Researcher education: Data engineering, cloud computing, project managementCommunity: Research Bazaar Arizona... Read More →
avatar for Stephen Bird

Stephen Bird

Systems Engineer, Notre Dame
Tuesday October 15, 2024 10:30am - 12:05pm EDT
307: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

10:55am EDT

Which Vault? Don't tell me your secret(s)!
Tuesday October 15, 2024 10:55am - 11:15am EDT
Data that is used by applications and services. Secrets can include API keys, credentials, tokens, certificates, and passwords that grant access to various resources and systems. If these secrets are compromised, attackers can exploit them to cause damage, steal information, or disrupt operations. The challenges of secret management is how to securely store, distribute, and rotate secrets in a dynamic and distributed environment. Traditional methods of hard-coding secrets in configuration files or environment variables are not secure, scalable, or reliable. Moreover, secrets need to be updated frequently to comply with security policies and regulations to prevent unauthorized access. To address these challenges, several tools and frameworks have been developed to provide secret management solutions for DevOps. These tools can help DevOps teams to implement best practices for secret management.
avatar for Michel Schildmeijer

Michel Schildmeijer

Architect, SSC-ICT
Michel started his career as a medical officer in the Royal Dutch Airforce. After the air force, he continued in clinical pharmacology. While there, he transitioned to IT.As his career developed, his responsibility shifted from a deep technical perspective to a more visionary role... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 10:55am - 11:15am EDT
309: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

11:20am EDT

OpenStack Plus: The perfect recipe for enterprise-grade deployment
Tuesday October 15, 2024 11:20am - 11:40am EDT
OpenStack Plus: The Perfect Recipe for Enterprise-Grade Deployment

OpenStack is a powerful open-source cloud platform, but achieving an enterprise-grade deployment requires more than just a basic setup. This session explores the key components and best practices that transform OpenStack into a robust, secure, and high-performing solution for enterprises.

Critical enhancements include integrating advanced storage solutions like Ceph, implementing comprehensive security measures, leveraging orchestration tools, and ensuring high availability (HA) configurations. Efficient monitoring, logging systems, and seamless networking solutions are also essential.
avatar for Ajith Narayanan

Ajith Narayanan

Founder, Pinakastra Computing Private Limited
Ajith Narayanan, based in Bangalore, India, has 20 years of experience as a Cloud Infrastructure Architect with a specialization in designing and building private cloud infrastructure.
Tuesday October 15, 2024 11:20am - 11:40am EDT
309: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

11:20am EDT

Bridging the gap between community and contributing organizations
Tuesday October 15, 2024 11:20am - 12:05pm EDT
Based on responses the OpenInfra Foundation business development team receives from member organizations attempting to contribute to OpenInfra projects, community managers are running a series of discussions intended to gather feedback and ideas, to improve communication, processes and contributor experience for both new and established contributors.

This forum-style session aims to:

1. discover ways we can better communicate successful contributor habits and patterns to prospective contributors who struggle to engage

2. brainstorm ways in which the established community members could adjust their approach to ease interactions for newcomers

3. improve the approachability of our communities for new contributors in order to increase diversity over time

Everyone is encouraged to attend, whether you're a long-time contributor looking to help the community grow, or a newcomer struggling to find ways to get your improvements added.
avatar for Jeremy Stanley

Jeremy Stanley

OpenInfra Foundation
OpenInfra Foundation Staff, OpenDev Root Sysadmins, SPI Board of Directors, Zuul Maintainers, OpenStack Vulnerability Management Team, OpenStack Security SIG Chair, OpenStack Testing and Collaboration Tools SIG Chair, OpenStack Technical Committee Emeritus, former OpenStack Infrastructure... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 11:20am - 12:05pm EDT
305: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

11:45am EDT

Students in Open Source: The OpenInfra University Partnership Program
Tuesday October 15, 2024 11:45am - 12:05pm EDT
In this talk, the audience will learn about the patterns of collaboration the OpenInfra Foundation has fostered with universities to get students involved in Open Source before they graduate and begin hunting for jobs. The University Partnership Program (UPP) aims to alleviate the Open Source hiring vacuum that exists in the tech job market globally, the UPP's benefits to students, the universities, the open source projects and the larger ecosystem. This talk will explain the process of how a university can join this program with anecdotes and real examples of how its all implemented. This talk will have information for both students and professors but also industry professionals about how they can get involved as mentors or support the program through hiring students completing the program etc.
avatar for Kendall Nelson

Kendall Nelson

OpenInfra Foundation
Tuesday October 15, 2024 11:45am - 12:05pm EDT
309: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

12:05pm EDT

Lunch and Exhibits
Tuesday October 15, 2024 12:05pm - 1:30pm EDT
Exhibitors to include Platinum Sponsors: VEXXHOST and Rackspace; Gold Sponsor: Lightbits Labs; Reception Sponsors: IU Pervasive Technology Institute and Jetstream2
Tuesday October 15, 2024 12:05pm - 1:30pm EDT
450B-C: 4th Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

1:30pm EDT

Rapid baremetal provisioning with Ironic
Tuesday October 15, 2024 1:30pm - 1:50pm EDT
This talk dives into Rackspace's use of Ironic for baremetal provisioning, including, but not limited to, the use of Ironic and Ansible to manage fleet lifecycles.

- How Rackspace is leveraging Ironic over legacy in-house Baremetal provisioning tools. Not just for OpenStack-related workloads, but for general data center server provisioning.
- How Rackspace is adopting the use of Virtual Media boot over PXE/DHCP to simplify network requirements in leaf/spine architectures
- How Rackspace is (re)contributing to the Ironic project based on these new efforts

I hope viewers can take away the following:
- Ironic does not require a full OpenStack ‘stack’, but can benefit from Neutron and other integrations, and can benefit from customizations (ie. ML2 plugin) that might be more suited for your use-case
- In addition to servicing baremetal workloads in a virtual world, Ironic is extremely useful as a general server deployment tool for all kinds of workloads (OpenStack, VMware, etc)
avatar for James Denton

James Denton

Principal Architect, Rackspace Technology
James Denton is a Principal Network Architect for Rackspace, and has been involved with OpenStack on the Rackspace Private Cloud team since 2012. He is the author of "Learning OpenStack Networking (Neutron)" released in 2014, and is currently working on a second edition of the same... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 1:30pm - 1:50pm EDT
309: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

1:30pm EDT

From zero to code: A hands-on guide to making your first OpenStack code contribution
Tuesday October 15, 2024 1:30pm - 3:05pm EDT
If you have ever wondered what it takes to develop OpenStack, look no further. This workshop is designed for attendees with any level of OpenStack experience. In this workshop, we will provide attendees a walkthrough of making a code change into OpenStack. Attendees will understand how developers identify bugs/features to work on, create contributor accounts, develop the code change, test it against an OpenStack deployment and submit it for community code review. As seasoned core maintainers of OpenStack, we can share strategies we have learned to engage with the community and get these code changes merged. We hope this session will serve as a quickstart to in-person audiences who get to follow along hands-on. **Target Audience:** - Developers, engineers, and users with varying levels of experience with OpenStack - Professionals interested in open-source contributions **Prerequisites:** - Basic Linux command-line knowledge - Laptop with internet access **Workshop Overview:** This 80-minute workshop is an accelerated introduction to contributing to OpenStack, designed for participants of all experience levels. By the end of the session, participants will have made a small code change to OpenStack, tested it using DevStack, and submitted it for review. This provides a fast-track path to becoming active contributors in the OpenStack community. **Objectives:** Participants will: 1. Set up a basic development environment for OpenStack. 2. Navigate the OpenStack codebase. 3. Make, test, and validate a simple code change using DevStack. 4. Submit the change for review using Gerrit. **Workshop Agenda:** 1. **Introduction to OpenStack and Contribution Basics (10 minutes)** - Brief overview of OpenStack and its components - The importance of open-source contributions 2. **Setting Up the Development Environment (15 minutes)** - Quick installation and configuration of Git and Gerrit - Overview of DevStack for local development and testing 3. **Navigating the OpenStack Codebase (10 minutes)** - Overview of the directory structure - Identifying a simple task for contribution 4. **Making and Testing Your First Code Change (25 minutes)** - Hands-on coding: making a small change (e.g., a bug fix) - Running the change on DevStack to ensure it works as expected 5. **Submitting Your Patch (10 minutes)** - Introduction to Gerrit and the submission process - Walkthrough of submitting the patch and handling initial feedback 6. **Q&A and Next Steps (10 minutes)** - Answering questions and providing resources for continued contribution - Guidance on engaging with the OpenStack community **Why Attend?** - Gain hands-on experience with OpenStack development and testing using DevStack in a short time - Make a real contribution to a major open-source project - Receive support from experienced OpenStack contributors

Carlos Eduardo da Silva

Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
Tuesday October 15, 2024 1:30pm - 3:05pm EDT
305: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

1:30pm EDT

OpenStack made easy: Learn how project Sunbeam effectively lowers entry barriers
Tuesday October 15, 2024 1:30pm - 3:05pm EDT
Whenever it comes to a small-scale private cloud infrastructure project roll-out, organizations usually face a serious dilemma. Fortunately, there are now ways to easily address the challenges of costs and operational knowledge.

In this session, we will showcase how you can use project Sunbeam (the latest upstream project for OpenStack) to seamlessly deploy a small-scale private cloud with no need for experience or costly consulting. The project now lowers the barrier to entry, enabling a production-grade OpenStack cluster to be installed in a few simple steps. Other typical cloud functions, such as K8s-on-demand, are also natively available with almost a single click.
avatar for Jadon Naas

Jadon Naas

Software Engineer, Canonical
I'm a Philosophy major with a technology career. I work on OpenStack, and, besides technology, I have a strong interest in marketing, product management, service design, and everything else that goes into delivering a high-quality experience for OpenStack users. I have over a decade... Read More →
avatar for Jason Nucciarone

Jason Nucciarone

High-Performance Computing Engineer, Canonical | Ubuntu
Jason is a young professional in the HPC industry passionate about developing the next generation of lean, mean, open source supercomputing machines. By day, he works at Canonical as their resident HPC engineer making Ubuntu better for supercomputing, and by night he leads the Ubuntu... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 1:30pm - 3:05pm EDT
307: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

1:55pm EDT

Transparent Vulnerability Management
Tuesday October 15, 2024 1:55pm - 2:15pm EDT
In order to successfully develop software through open community collaboration, tools and workflows are carefully chosen with regard to transparency and visibility of activities. This makes it easier for people to see what’s going on within the project and get involved, but safety-critical activities like security vulnerability management require temporary secrecy, a fundamental conflict presenting unique challenges.

This presentation will cover the workflows and tooling choices OpenStack’s vulnerability managers have employed and refined for more than a decade, with specific goals of keeping secrets only when necessary and making sure the record of our activities becomes fully public as soon as possible. Our processes are openly documented, with templating and automation that streamlines these sensitive workflows, serving as a model for many other communities as well as forming the basis of popular industry specifications and standard practices over the years. Learn how it’s done, get involved in our community, or apply these principles within your own projects.
avatar for Jeremy Stanley

Jeremy Stanley

OpenInfra Foundation
OpenInfra Foundation Staff, OpenDev Root Sysadmins, SPI Board of Directors, Zuul Maintainers, OpenStack Vulnerability Management Team, OpenStack Security SIG Chair, OpenStack Testing and Collaboration Tools SIG Chair, OpenStack Technical Committee Emeritus, former OpenStack Infrastructure... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 1:55pm - 2:15pm EDT
309: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

2:20pm EDT

The HPC+AI Cloud: flexible and performant infrastructure for HPC and AI workloads
Tuesday October 15, 2024 2:20pm - 2:40pm EDT
In recent years, in particular with the rise of AI, the diversity of workloads that need to be supported by research infrastructures has exploded. Many of these workloads take advantage of new technologies, such as Kubernetes, that need to be run alongside the traditional workhorse of the large batch cluster. Some require access to specialist hardware, such as GPUs or network accelerators. Others, such as Trusted Research Environments, have to be executed in a secure sandbox. Here, we show how a flexible and dynamic research computing cloud infrastructure can be achieved, without sacrificing performance, using OpenStack. By having OpenStack manage the hardware, we get access to APIs for reconfiguring that hardware, allowing the deployment of platforms to be automated with full control over the levels of isolation. Optimisations like CPU-pinning, PCI passthrough and SR-IOV allow us to take advantage of the efficiency gains from virtualisation without sacrificing performance where it matters.

The HPC+AI Cloud becomes even more powerful when combined with Azimuth, an open-source self-service portal for HPC and AI workloads. Using the Azimuth interface, users can self-service from a curated set of optimised platforms from web desktops through to Kubernetes apps such as Jupyter notebooks. Those applications are accessed securely, with SSO, via the open-source Zenith application proxy. Self-service platforms provisioned via Azimuth can co-exist with large bare-metal batch clusters on the same OpenStack cloud, allowing users to pick the environments and tools that best suit their workflow.
avatar for Stig Telfer

Stig Telfer

CTO, StackHPC Ltd
Stig has a background in R&D working for various prominent technology companies, particularly in HPC and software-defined networking. Stig is now CTO for StackHPC, a consultancy specialising in the convergence of cloud, HPC and big data. Stig is also co-chair of the OpenStack Scientific... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 2:20pm - 2:40pm EDT
309: 3rd Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

3:05pm EDT

Break and Exhibits
Tuesday October 15, 2024 3:05pm - 3:35pm EDT
Exhibitors to include Platinum Sponsors: VEXXHOST and Rackspace; Gold Sponsor: Lightbits Labs; Reception Sponsors: IU Pervasive Technology Institute and Jetstream2
avatar for RDO Project

RDO Project

RDO is a community of people using and deploying OpenStack on CentOS Stream and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Tuesday October 15, 2024 3:05pm - 3:35pm EDT
450B-C: 4th Floor - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

3:35pm EDT

VMWare Panel
Tuesday October 15, 2024 3:35pm - 4:00pm EDT
The Great Escape: From VMware to VMwhat now?: Kevin Jackson
Tired of being VMworn out? Feel like your virtual infrastructure is a bit of a hostage situation? It's time to break free and join the Open revolution! Join us for a stratospheric flight of how to migrate from the virtual world of VMware to the open spaces of OpenStack, the containerized cosmos of Kubernetes and the nebulous approach of running with KubeVirt. We'll steer you through the often foggy migration process with the help of Trilio, your trusty backup plan. I cannot promise that cloud puns will not be harmed during this talk.

Seamless Migration: Transitioning VMs from VMware to OpenStack with Open Source Tools: Maciej Lecki
Exploring the process of migrating virtual machines (VMs) from VMware environments to OpenStack using open source tools. As organizations increasingly adopt cloud-native and open-source technologies, the need to seamlessly transition from traditional virtualization platforms like VMware to modern cloud infrastructures such as OpenStack has become crucial. We will discuss the challenges and strategies involved in this migration, including the selection of appropriate tools, preparation of the source and target environments, and the actual migration process. Key open source tools such as virt-v2v will be highlighted, demonstrating their roles in converting VM formats, adapting configurations, and ensuring compatibility. The session will cover best practices for minimizing downtime and ensuring data integrity during the migration, along with a live demonstration of the migration process. Attendees will gain practical insights into managing this transition efficiently and learn how to leverage open source solutions to achieve a successful VMware to OpenStack migration.

How to simplify and accelerate VMware Exit: DJ Dongjoon Min
DJ Min introduces ZIA technology, a cloud-agnostic migration solution that eliminates heterogeneous migration issues. By leveraging ZIA technology, OpenInfra community members can inspire enterprises and organizations to simplify and accelerate their VMware Exit journey to OpenStack, in collaboration with the OpenInfra community and ZConverter.

Open-Source Migration with Migratekit: Transitioning from VMware to OpenStack: Mohammed Naser
In today's cloud computing landscape, many organizations are transitioning from traditional infrastructures like VMware to more modern, open-source environments. As OpenStack continues to rise as a leading open-source cloud platform, effective migration strategies are essential. This talk will introduce Migratekit, an open-source tool developed as part of the broader open-source ecosystem by VEXXHOST. Migratekit is designed to simplify and accelerate the migration of virtual machines from VMware to OpenStack environments. While it works with any OpenStack deployment, it has been extensively tested and validated against Atmosphere, our open-source cloud infrastructure platform. Attendees will learn about the key phases of migration with Migratekit, including how it minimizes service disruption by transferring data while virtual machines remain operational. We will also cover best practices for a successful migration and share real-world case studies showcasing the benefits of adopting OpenStack through this streamlined, open-source approach. By the end of the session, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to confidently modernize their cloud infrastructure using Migratekit and OpenStack.

avatar for Jimmy McArthur

Jimmy McArthur

Director of Business Development, OpenInfra Foundation
Jimmy leads the collaboration with OpenInfra Members, including strategy development, goal alignment and new member recruitment. Outside of advocating for current open source trends and distributing his calendar link (which you can find here: https://calendly.com/jimmy-mcarthur... Read More →
avatar for Mohammed Naser

Mohammed Naser

Mohammed Naser, CEO of VEXXHOST, has had the chance to work with customers ranging from growing small businesses to solutions for large Fortune 500 companies, based on OpenStack. He has been a contributor to the OpenStack project since 2011 and has contributed code to almost every... Read More →
avatar for DJ DONGJOON MIN


DJ Min is the founder and managing director of ZConverter which is the automated cloud migration software company.Before having founded ZConverter, he was working for IBM and LG as the SME & Principal of Virtualization and High Performance Cluster for 10 years. Now, he is leading... Read More →

Maciej Lecki

Senior Solution Architect, Red Hat
Tuesday October 15, 2024 3:35pm - 4:00pm EDT
002: Basement Theater (CE 002) - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

4:05pm EDT

The development and deployment of a persistent BinderHub instance on Jetstream2
Tuesday October 15, 2024 4:05pm - 4:25pm EDT
We describe the construction, deployment, and ongoing use and development of Project Pythia’s persistent BinderHub (https://binder.projectpythia.org) platform on Jetstream2, using a community-tested OpenStack / Kubernetes workflow developed by Dr. Andrea Zonca at the San Diego Supercomputer Center and operated and maintained by Kevin Tyle of University at Albany-SUNY on behalf of Project Pythia. Project Pythia (https://projectpythia.org) is an open access educational initiative established with funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation. Its mission is to help students and scientists enhance their skills and adopt best practices using the tools and technologies of open science. As part of the Pangeo community, Project Pythia primarily focuses on the Pangeo stack, which includes cloud computing, Jupyter technologies, GitHub, and various software packages in the Scientific Python ecosystem, centered around Xarray. Project Pythia offers a wide range of open access content, such as datasets, software, tutorials, and annotated real-world workflows presented in the form of Jupyter Books. Following the presenters’ initial development efforts on Jetstream2 during summer 2022, in May 2023, Project Pythia was awarded a Discover ACCESS allocation that deployed a persistent and performant BinderHub instance to support our community educational Pythia Cookbook (https://cookbooks.projectpythia.org) initiative. This ongoing service ensures continuous open access to high quality, tested, and reproducible tutorial and training material for geoscientific workflows, while growing our user-contributor community. The BinderHub has also powered the following workshops and tutorials: Pythia Cookoff, June 2023, Boulder AMS Open Radar Short Course, August 2023, Minneapolis Scientific data workshop with Python and R - AtmosCol 2023, October 2023, Colombia AGU Python Visualization Workshop, Dec. 2023, San Francisco AMS Python Visualization Short Course, January 2024, Baltimore ARM Open Science Summer School, May 2024, Cleveland Pythia Cookoff, June 2024, Boulder At each event, our BinderHub seamlessly served all attendees, which typically ranged between 30 and 70.
avatar for Kevin Tyle

Kevin Tyle

Manager of Departmental Computing, University at Albany State University of New York
Tuesday October 15, 2024 4:05pm - 4:25pm EDT
002: Basement Theater (CE 002) - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

4:30pm EDT

An example of digital sovereignty from Europe
Tuesday October 15, 2024 4:30pm - 4:50pm EDT
A report from a research project that shows that it is possible to operate a digitally sovereign cloud with the help of OpenStack and other open source components. The question is briefly explored and shown what digital sovereignty actually means - and what it does not. The focus of this short presentation is on the infrastructure, knowing full well that this is not an all-encompassing solution for digital sovereignty because other components (e.g. front ends) are missing. The project team plans and implements the construction and operation of a sovereign, private cloud that serves as an edge cloud and in which the workloads in research and teaching are processed. The project team has been operating a private cloud under OpenStack since 2016. Since container workloads are and will be increasingly in demand, the decision was made to set up an additional instance of the reference implementation of the Sovereign Cloud Stack (SCS) in parallel to the existing OpenStack installation. The workloads are then transferred from the OpenStack installation to the Sovereign Cloud Stack.
avatar for Robert Holling

Robert Holling

Research Associate, OpenInfra user group Lower Saxony
Tuesday October 15, 2024 4:30pm - 4:50pm EDT
002: Basement Theater (CE 002) - IU Indianapolis Campus Center

4:50pm EDT

6:00pm EDT

Tuesday October 15, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Sweet & Savory Popcorn with seasonings (V)
Crunchy Roasted Edamame Beans (V)
Farmer's Market vegetable display: baby carrots, cauliflower buds, broccoli florets, squash, zucchini, snow peas, medley of julienne bell peppers, asparagus, grape tomatoes and sliced cucumbers, select spinach (contains dairy) or artichoke parmesan dip (contains dairy)
Dip platter: Artichoke parmesan dip, con queso dip, spinach dip (all contain dairy), hummus, with fresh-fried tortilla & pita chips

Chilled hors d'oeuvres:
Roasted tomato, ciliegine mozzarella, basil emulsion GF (contains dairy)
Shrimp cocktail shooter, fiery cocktail sauce GF/DF

Hot hors d'oeuvres:
Pumpkin Risotto Arancini (contains gluten and dairy)
Corn cake with pulled bbq pork GF/DF

Carving station:
Roast breast of duck, pomegranate reduction and petite brioche rolls (gluten-free rolls available)

Sugar cream pie (contains gluten and dairy)
Apple tart (contains gluten and dairy)
Mini bread pudding (contains gluten and dairy)
Chocolate brownies (contains gluten and dairy)
Chocolate dipped strawberries (GF/DF)

Bar service

GF = gluten free
DF = dairy free
V = Vegetarian

A jazz trio from the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music (SoM). For nearly a century, the SoM has been known for excellence in performance, artistry, and collaboration—but most of all, for the belief in the inherent value of a creative life. The IU SoM has helped launch the careers of countless performers, scholars, and music educators who have become leaders around the globe with more than 1,500 students come from all 50 states and as many as 55 countries. Each one benefits from the intensity and focus of a world-class conservatory combined with the broad academic offerings of a major university. Jacobs has one of the first and foremost jazz studies programs in the world—and all of the students benefit from the wildly creative and collaborative atmosphere cultivated at IU. https://music.indiana.edu/index.html

Indiana State Museum Galleries are not open to OpenInfra guests during the reception, however if you're coming early or staying late in Indianapolis we encourage you to visit the museum on your own.

The Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites is a statewide museum network with 12 locations across Indiana. You'll find an incredible collection of artifacts (everything from mastodon bones to T.C. Steele paintings) and our state’s most culturally significant sites to tell larger stories around bigger themes. Whether you’re interested in art, architecture, history or science, we’ve got you covered. Come out and enjoy wide open spaces, explore three floors of fun at our downtown Indianapolis museum, and discover engaging online activities. Welcome to the Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites. https://www.indianamuseum.org/visit/

David Y. Hancock

Indiana University
Indiana University
avatar for Beth Plale

Beth Plale

Professor, Indiana University
Data management, knowledge management, AI democratization, open science, RDA-US
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Jetstream2, led by the Pervasive Technology Institute at Indiana University, adds cloud-based, on-demand computing and data analysis resources to the national cyberinfrastructure. It expands this cyberinfrastructure to communities who have not had previous HPC experience or an easy route to harness the massive compute power research now demands.With a focus... Read More →
avatar for Pervasive Technology Institute at Indiana University

Pervasive Technology Institute at Indiana University

About Pervasive Technology InstituteCyberinfrastructure is pervasive in the research, discovery, and creative processes. Information technology today pervades scholarly discovery in the humanities, research in all areas of the sciences, and the processes of artistic creation. The... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Indiana State Museum Skybridge
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